The documentation for the API functions to work with sms gateway sms mailings.

Documentation for the HTTP API for developers

Detailed documentation of all API: VIEW

If the function is not needed, we can add it for you.

PHP. Example API access via GET-request

 * An example of  service access  to API. Example of getting a user’s balance is shown.
 * Access to another API functions is performing by the same way.
  $url = ""; // service URL is assigned
  $timeout = 15;  // assign time-out of answer in second
  // assign query parameter
  $params = http_build_query(array(
    'r'=>'api/user_balance',      // API function. Assigned in format "api/name_function"
    'user'=>'',  // User’s login in system. It is align with login in 
    'apikey'=>'qwerty123'         // API key. Assigned in user’s Personal Account
  $ch = curl_init();  // initialize  CURL
  //задаем параметры CURL
  curl_setopt_array($ch, array(
    CURLOPT_URL => $url.'?'.$params,  //point out URL to service and parameters
    CURLOPT_FAILONERROR => 1,         //interrupt query in case of error    
    CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1,      //return query result in variable
    CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => 1,      //allow redirect
    CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $timeout,      //set time-out
  //receive answer to variable
  $result = curl_exec($ch);
  if($result) {
    //answer is in the form of JSON format. We should decode it in object presentation PHP
    $result = json_decode($result);
    //output status
    echo $result->status.'<br>';
    //output  sum on balance
    echo $result->balance;
  } else {
    //access to service is failed
    echo 'Access error to service!';

PHP. Example API access via POST-search

 * An example of service access to API. An example of packet message sending is shown
  $url = ""; // service URL is assigned
  $timeout = 15;  // assign time-out of answer in second
  $func = 'msg_send_bulk'; //assign name of calling function. In this case - msg_send_bulk
  //form message packet
  $package = array(
      'message'=>'The first test message. Urgent, with caption',
      'message'=>'Второе тестовое сообщение. Обычное, с custom_id',
      'message'=>'The second test message. Usual, with custom_id',
  $rawData = json_encode($package); //code  packet in JSON
  $ch = curl_init(); //initialize  cURL
  //set parameters CURL
  curl_setopt_array($ch, array(
    CURLOPT_URL => $url,
    CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $timeout,
    CURLOPT_POST => 1,  //send by the POST-method –just in a such way you can send a big packet 
        'r'=>'api/'.$func,     //assign calling function
        'user'=>'',  //user’s login
        'apikey'=>'ABC123',        //API-key
        'messages'=>$rawData)         //message massive
  //receive an answer to variable
  $result = curl_exec($ch);
  if($result) {
    //a line of UTF-8 format – delete from it BOM-sequence
    $__BOM = pack('CCC', 239, 187, 191);
    while(0 === strpos($result, $__BOM)) $result = substr($result, 3);
    //answer is in the form of JSON format. We should decode it in object presentation PHP
    $result = json_decode($result);
    //output status
    echo $result->status.'<br>';
    //output dump of answer
    echo '<plaintext>'.iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',print_r($result, true));
  } else {
    //an access to service is failed
    echo 'Access error to service!';